Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Money and success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Money and success - Essay ExampleAs gold can profane things which significantly stomach to a persons happiness, and enables opportunities and experiences which would non be possible otherwise, money and success are inextricably linked money is a predictor of an individuals success.Money can buy any material thing that a person could possibly desire. Material objects, while in no way guaranteeing happiness or success, do contribute quite a lot to happiness and success in several ways. It is a commonly understood fact that people judge others very cursorily and form impressions of others immediately upon meeting them. It is also understood that people often judge others based on what they see an individuals looks, clothing, car, house and jewellery all can combine to earn an impression of someone. If such things are seen as high quality, impressive or pleasing, this person will have loosely made a good first impression. This in turn can lead to friendships, social invitations, succ ess at interviews and all manner of factors which result from creating a positive and impressive first impression. In addition to this, having material things such as a nice house, expensive clothing and fine jewellery automatically create a pleasant living environment. Having such possessions and money also negates the worry and stress that people suffer who do not have money to pay bills or enjoy the finer things in life. In this way, having money to buy material things contributes to an individuals success by helping to create positive impressions, thereby supporting areas such as friendship and working relationships and enables more opportunities to become available to the individual in several contexts.Other than the relatively obvious material gains that money brings to the success of an individual, money also helps an individual to receive respect from

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